TM 10-5411-207-14APPENDIX DEXPENDABLE/DURABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LISTSection I. INTRODUCTIOND-1.Scope.This appendix lists expendable/durable supplies and materials you will need to operate andmaintain the S-280C/G Unshielded and S-280C/G Shielded Shelters. These items areauthorized to you by CTA 50-970, Expendable/Durable Items (Except Medical, Class V,Repair Parts, and Heraldic Items), or CTA 8-100, Army Medical DepartmentExpendable/Durable Items.D-2.EXPLANATION OF COLUMNS.a. Column(1)-Itemnumber.This number is assigned to the entry in the listing.b. Column(2)-Level.This column identifies the lowest level of maintenance thatrequires the listed item.(Enter as applicable.)C - OperatorO - Unit MaintenanceF - Direct Support MaintenanceH - General Support Maintenancec. Column(3)-NationalStockNumber.This is the National Stock Number assigned tothe item; use it to request or requisition the item.d. Column(4)-Description.Indicates the Federal item name and, if required, adescription to identify the item. The last line for each item indicates the Federal supplyCode for Manufacturer (FSCM) in parentheses followed by the part number.e.actual operation/maintenance function. This measure is expressed by a two-characteralphabetical abbreviation (e.g., ea, in, pr). If the unit of measure differs from the unit ofissue, requisition the lowest unit of issue that will satisfy your requirements.Section II. EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LIST (cont)Change 2 D-1
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