TM 10-5411-206-14
Ceiling panel composition is the same as wall panel composition. The same method of
repair applies to walls and ceilings.
Bend edges of puncture in below surface of unbroken face sheet. Do not allow broken edges to contact
opposite face sheet.
Remove loose fragments of foam and dust.
Solvents are flammable and toxic. Keep away from heat and open flames. Use in a well-
ventilated area. Avoid skin and eye contact and breathing of vapors. Use protective
goggles and gloves. Use in accordance with manufacturers instructions.
Clean and dry area surrounding puncture using clean cloth soaked with solvent. Wipe off solvent. In
shelters with RFI/EMI shielding, sand off all paint and foreign matter from face sheet surrounding
damaged area at least 1-1/2 inches in all directions. Clean and dry bare metal.
Inject adhesive into puncture.
Apply a bead of adhesive approximately 1/4 inch wide over cuts in face sheet. Do not smooth out.
In shelters having RFI/EMI shielding, perform steps (6) and (7) using electrically
conductive tape, then repeat the procedure using non-conductive tape. In unshielded
shelters, perform steps (6) and (7) only once using non-conductive tape.
Plan application of tape. Length and width, number of strips, overlaps and method of application will
affect sealing capability of repair. Each piece of tape shall extend approximately 1-1/2 inches beyond
adhesive. If width of damaged area exceeds width of tape, overlap tape strips at least 1/2 inch. If three
or more strips of tape are required, apply center strip first.
Hold tape taut and apply lightly. Do not apply with rolling motion from end to end or side to side and do
not rub strips into place. Rolling, rubbing and excessive pressure will squeeze adhesive out from under
Touch up with paint as required (para 3-10).
3-10. Touchup Painting. When required to prevent rust and corrosion, touch up small areas of damaged
or chipped paint in accordance with TM 43-0139. If a large area needs repainting, notify higher level of