TM 5-6350-280-10
1.15.6 Remote Area Status Changes Screen. The Remote Area Status Changes Screen (figure 1-9) is divided into
three sections. This screen provides the operator with the status information of the remote areas that have had a status
change. Areas are selected by entering an area number between 1 and 64 on the command line and pressing enter. It
can also be selected by moving the pointer to an area and pressing enter. It consists of up to four pages (separate
screens). Movement between the screens is controlled by using the <PgDn> (moves down one page) and <PgUp>
(moves up one page) keys. Each page displays information about 16 of the remote areas that have had status changes.
The screen provides the area number, the location of the area, the priority assigned the area, the type of power at the
area, and the alarm condition of the area. The screen displays all areas that have status changes. When alarms are
cleared and reset, alarms are removed by the <ESC> key or when another area is selected. Status changes that are not
alarms are removed by pressing the <Fl> key. The location column provides the description of the area. The description
is also provided in the command line. The remaining columns are described in paragraphs through