TM 5-6350-280-10
1.13.5 IBM-PC/AT Compatible Computer Functional Description. The computer consists of a personal computer,
monitor, printer, and operating software. The Communications CCA and application software provided with the AMG are
installed in the personnel computer. The application software is downloaded (copied to the hard drive) to the computer.
The application software then controls the hardware functions of the computer. When the computer is powered on, the
application software is initialized. This causes the computer to automatically start the application software and generates
an initialization screen on the color monitor for a few seconds, and then displays the Remote Area Status Changes
Screen. The computer is now programmed to accept information from the CMA and displays operational information on
the color monitor. Information is sent to the printer.
The application software controls the operation of the computer and the CMA. The application software provides two
modes of operation which are the Setup Mode and Secure Mode. After the software is copied, the application software is
used to configure the AMG operating system and is accomplished in the Setup Mode. The Secure Mode monitors and
reports the status of the remote areas and AMG components.
1.14.1 Setup Mode. Setup is performed only by designated personnel that have access to a password. When the
correct password is provided, the application software goes into the Setup Mode. The Setup Mode is menu driven and
allows the AMG operating system to be configured.
The Setup Mode allows up to 64 areas to be selected for monitoring. The remote areas are divided into groups of eight
called modules. Table 1-2 provides a module number and its associated monitored area. Each module can either be in
an ON (being monitored) or OFF (not being monitored) condition. When the modules have been activated, the remote
areas can be selected and in either an ON or OFF condition. In addition, each area can be assigned a priority between 1
and 4. Each remote area can also be named and area notes provided.
Table 1-2. AMG Modules.
Module Number
Monitored Areas
The Setup mode also allows selection of the way remote area status changes are displayed, times that status reports are
printed, setting of the time and date, and changing of the password. When setup is completed, the AMG operating
system is ready for use. If changes are required, return to the setup mode.
1.14.2 Setup Screens. There are four setup screens. The first screen provides the setup menu. The menu screen is
used to select the other three screens, return to the Secure Mode of the AMG software or exit to MS-DOS® operating
system. The other three screens are the Remote Area Setup, Module Setup and System Setup. In addition, Setup Area
Notes can be selected while in the Remote Area Setup.
1.14.3 Secure Mode. The AMG software configuration file provides information required by the application software.
The application software configuration determines which modules are ON, which modules are OFF, which areas are
being monitored and