TM 5-6350-280-10
None Automatic
Does not automatically print status report. The
function key F9 must be pressed to obtain a status
report. This is the method recommended.
Printer should always be enabled.
Press down arrow key (1) to highlight "Change Password".
When the password is highlighted, it will be changed by striking any letter or number key on the
keyboard. Ensure that any changes made to the password have been recorded in accordance with
standard security procedures. Failure to observe this caution could result in changing the password and
making it impossible to access the Setup Mode from the Secure Mode. The password is case sensitive
and can be mixed upper and lower case,
When the application software is first configured, you must change the default password
"setup" in lower case letters to a new password. The password should then be changed
as required by individual commands.
The AMG program must return to the secure mode for the new password to be saved.
Change password as required.
Press down arrow key (, ) to highlight "Change Date/Time".
Enter correct time and date as required.
Press <Esc>.
When SETUP MENU is displayed, exit setup menu as follows:
When the application software is returned to the Secure Mode, any changes made to the password will
be changed in the configuration files. Ensure that any changes made to the password have been
recorded in accordance with standard security procedures. Failure to observe this caution could result in
changing the password and making it impossible to access the Setup Mode from the Secure Mode.
Press <6> or down arrow key (2) until Return to Security Mode is highlighted.
Press <Enter>.
Press F10 and return to setup mode.
Press <7> or down key (I) until exit to DOS is highlighted.
Press <Enter>.
Copy all files from the AMG subdirectory of the hard drive to diskette for backup.
Change 1 2-9